Sunday, 16 July 2017

Roast Chicken

Like many others, I always wake up too late and didn't enjoy the shoping experience in wet market. So, I usually buy fresh goods from supermarket. I came across this Lacto Chicken, a premium range of chicken that doesn't have hormone and antibodies. I notice it's less fat and the meat texture is more tender and it's not so 'soft'.

1 whole chicken
3 pcs Nam-yu
A little Pepper
A little 5 spices powder
A little cayanne powder
2 cloves of garlic, mince

Brine water
8~10 tbsp of soysauce
Dash of Pepper
2 cloves of garlic, smash

The How:
1. Clean the bird under running water.
2. Put the brid into the brine water for at least 4 hours in fridge. The longer the better.
3. Remove the bird from the brine. Do not wash. Drain dry or pet dry the bird with kitchen towel.
4. Rub the Nam-yu, 5 spices powdee, cayanne powder, pepper and minced garlic. Let marinate for at least 1 hour, the longer the better.
5. Heat up oven.
6. Place a large sheet of aluminum foil on the baking tray. This will help to ease the washing.
7. Cut 2 large onions and lay it on the aluminum foil. Place chicken on top of it. This will help the chicken not to stick to the foil directly.
8. Roast chicken at 110°C for 45mins. Then turn heat to 220°C for another 30mins. The hi-heat is to quickly brown the skin while the inside is still juicy and tender.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Soy Soy Soy Braised Pork

It's been a long while not writing any post. Not to say super busy that I don't have time to cook but I just simply cook and not in a mood to write (alright, I'm lazy I admit it). Today,  I made this pork dish and I think it's simple and delicious. So I wanted to share this recipe with you all.

300-400g lean pork (I buy top pork shoulder) - slice thinly 
1 pc UK potato - cut into cube
1 pc Onion - finely chopped
1 clove Garlic - finely chopped
*2 tbsp Soy Sauce
*1 tsp Taucu
*abit of Fermented Black Bean - wash thoroughly to remove skin
* A bit of Gula Melaka

Cooking Steps:
1. Heat up pan and pour some oil.
2. Pan fry potatoes 
3. Add in the pork. Keep on pan fry until dries up. 
4. Heat up another pot. 
5. Pour in some oil to fry the onion and garlic until brown and fragrant. 
6. Once the pork dries up. Slightly fry abut until you can smell fragrant. 
7. Transfer potatoes and pork to the pot. 
8. Add in water to be on same par level. Let it boil, then turn fire to low-medium. 
9. Braise for half hour and ready to serve. 

*Note :
1. Cut potatoes in larger cube and fry the potatoes till brown if you want the potatoes to be less mushy. 
2. You can adjust amount and quantity adjust to your liking. 

I also want to share a good Soy Sauce that I used in this recipe.The brand is called Se Woh (四和). It's located at Kampar, nearby to Ipoh, Perak. I google a bit about this brand and find it's a traditional local factory with more than 70 years history. 

This is a premium soy sauce and not very salty. The soy flavour become robust after cooking. I have used Lee Kuan Kei and Kikkoman. The Kikkoman premium soy sauce is considered the better one compared to Lee brand. 

This small bottle is RM6.50